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The Benefits of Massage
Here is a partial list of the common benefits of massage. Massage can help heal by increasing circulation to an area. It can help relieve tension and relieve pain. It induces relaxation and has been shown to have positive effects on brain chemistry, including the production of serotonin and and dopamine.

Massage can help these conditions (a partial list of conditions helped by massage, as shown by research and/or overwhelming patient reports):
- Massage for Back Pain – spasms, herniated discs, pulled muscles, trauma, sciatica
- Neck Pain – spasms, whiplash, “crick in the neck”, herniated discs
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome – numbness and pain in arms and hands caused by compression in the shoulder area of nerves due to tight muscles
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – weakness or pain in hands, wrists and forearms usually due to repetitive motions such as computer work.
- Rotator Cuff Injuries (Shoulder injuries)
- Headaches – tension headaches, migraines, sinus headaches
- Fibromyalgia – helps with pain and stress and assists in the healing process
- Foot Pain or Plantar Fasciaitis
- Knee Pain
- Iliotibial Band Pain
- Massage For Cancer – helps with the stress and pain of the healing process.
NOTE: if you are actively undergoing cancer treatment, seeking out a more specialized oncology massage therapist is recommended. That training may be in our future, but for now you can find a therapist here.
- Hip Pain
- Arthritis – Helps to relieve the pressure on the joints to keep them moving and can help prevent arthritis
- Jaw Pain/Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction
- Digestive disorders
- Pelvic Floor disorders
- Pregnancy Massage – to help relieve some of the side effects of being pregnant and relieve pregnancy related conditions such as back pain and sciatica.
- Depression and Anxiety
- Recovery from surgeries such as herniated discs, knee surgery, neck surgery or surgery to repair injuries
- Stress – reduces blood pressure, relieves tension, reduces stress that can affect the immune system as well as mental, emotional and spiritual health
- Relieves “Knots” or Trigger Points and Tender Points which cause pain
- Attachment disorders in infants, children and adults
- Massage For Dementia